速報APP / 購物 / Haatem Tai - Online Grocery

Haatem Tai - Online Grocery





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本




Haatem Tai - Online Grocery(圖1)-速報App

HaatemTai Online is dedicated to identify your needs, deliver the best value for your expenses and always be patience to hear your feedback until we will make you delighted with our executing of latest technology and combination of our experience for a decade. You can order groceries, baby products, personal care products, pet food and other daily needs through your phone. We are respective to your valuable time that reduces your time for daily shopping and provides the best return of your saving. It's simple to order from your home or office with your loved device. HaatemTai Online deliver within 2 hours in Sylhet City. Uncertainty during shopping is a major decapointing issue for you but we are the trusted supplier by thousands of moral customers. Our live customer support team is always be with you even after finished your consumption!

Haatem Tai - Online Grocery(圖2)-速報App

Haatem Tai - Online Grocery(圖3)-速報App

Haatem Tai - Online Grocery(圖4)-速報App

Haatem Tai - Online Grocery(圖5)-速報App